We especially remember Ron as a caring, good natured, multi-talented father, neighbor, & friend, a man who served his country with dignity & honor.
Our kids grew up together. When Ron was asked to share his artistic talents by donating/contributing his time & talents for any school funding event or community event, he never hesitated to comply. Facial caricatures seemed to be one of his specialities. Young & old "customers" always left Ron's presence with a rolled-up portrait in hand & a huge smile on their face.
We always thought of him as a kind & generous soul. It was a true blessing to have known him & shared time with him.
Our sincerest sympathies to his family & other friends. Ron will be sorely missed, that's a given....
Our hopes & prayers are with his many family members & friends, always. Our Love to all.
From David & Judy Buckman & their families.
I met Ron many years ago when he laid carpet for me! He was a hard worker and did nice work! In more recent years I came in contact again with Ron through his wife Becky! We both belong to the same quilt guild and enjoy each others company and similar interests! Ron was also good about overhauling our sewing machines when they got out of wack! He will be missed by so many for his knowledge and kindness!
I send my condolences and prayers for all of Wichern family!
So sorry to learn of Ron’s passing. We have fond memories of Ron. He was a good neighbor and had a great sense of humor. Ron was a kind and generous man with a strong work ethic. We will always remember Ron for the many times he helped us. We were blessed to have him as our neighbor. ~ Rick & Sharon Snell
So sorry to hear of Ron's passing. Thinking of you all.
Becky and family, I was stunned when we heard the news this afternoon. Harry and I are so sorry for your loss. You all are some of my very favorite families I met while teaching the “kids”. And lucky kids they were to have the supportive parents. They was NEVER a better carpet layer than Ron. And I still have that Cslendar plaque, Becky. We send heartfelt thoughts and prayers of comfort for you all.
We are very sad to have Ron pass on. We adored his stories and laughter. We will miss him. May he rest in peace.
Anita I'm so sorry for your loss of your Father

Ron was truly a one-of-kind person. He and Becky always welcomed me with open arms into their home whenever I was home visiting. I would often tell Amanda that I felt like Ron and Becky were my adopted parents. Thank you Ron for being a wonderful person and an even more amazing dad to all of your kids (especially Amanda). I feel so blessed to have to known Ron for as long as I can remember. My thoughts and prayers go out to the whole Wichern family as they mourn the loss of Ron.